Sunday, 7 September 2014

Top 10 Exporters of Rice

RankCountry NameRice Production (1000 Metric Ton)

Since the major share of the maize crops are being cultivated with many other reasons after the human consumption, it is totally concerned with the human caloric intake and the nutrition so it has great importance around the world. In accordance to a report in 2010, Due to its importance it is considered the second most produced grain in the world. It is provides about one fifth of the calories that are being used by all the human beings living in different parts of the world. There are numerous varieties of rice and according to a recent report; there are more than 40,000 different types of rice from which a minor number is offering to grow commercially. Short grain, long grain, brown, black, white, basmati, red and jasmine are its popular varieties. It is the major food of different countries like China, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan etc. It has number of health benefits because it contains numerous vitamins and essential minerals. It is one of the great sources of Protein, Vitamin B and Fiber.
It is considered the best crop for cultivating in the areas having the low labor power and the highest quantity of rainwater as the peak rainfall is much essential for the maximum output. Though it can be cultivated everywhere in the world but most it is grown in the rural areas by the small farmers having the land mostly not more than 1 hectare. Its annual production has increased by two hundred million tone of paddy rice in 1960China is the world’s largest rice producing nation. Following is a list of top ten major rice producers in the world.
Rice is a very famous and favorite food in all over the world which have different kinds and qualities. Its cultivation does not require much labor but high rainfall and water is much necessary for its growth. This crop can be grown everywhere even on a mountain or on a steep hill etc. This is a corp cultivated in all over the countries either on a large-scale or a nominal part. At present China is the largest producer and exporter of Rice in all over the world. China has the 33.9% share in the rice productivity of the world’s share.

China claimed to be World’s Largest Rice Producing Nations

china production

Rice Nutrition Information

Rice Nutrition InformationPrintE-mail
Processors are currently using rice oil and bran in foods because of their high phytonutrient levels. Rice flour and starch are also popular ingredients due to their unique properties and broad application across multiple product categories. Rice is important to many people because it is the least allergenic of grains and is a staple for those with celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Rice contains no trans fats or saturated fats, no sodium or cholesterol.

Rice Nutrients Fact Panel

Nutrients of RiceUncooked
1/2 cup = 98g
1/2 cup = 79g
1/2 cup = 79g
Dry Form
Ready to Serve
1/2 cup = 83g
Water (%)10.471.311.654.19.755.68.459.4
Food Energy (Kcal)3701083651033749738097
Protein (gms)
Fat (gms)
Carbohydrate: Total (gms)77.222.48022.380.420.682.320.7
Dietary Fiber (gms)
Ash (gms)
Calcium (mgs)23102885515227
Iron (mgs)1.50.4**4.3**1.0**5.3**1.4**6.3**1.5
Phosphorous (mgs)333811153415643.511831
Sodium (mgs)7***5***3***10***
Potassium (mgs)223421152818744277.5
Thiamin (mgs)0.40.09**0.58**0.13**0.7**0.17**0.93**0.06
Riboflavin (mgs)
Niacin (mgs)5.11.5**4.2**1.17**5.1**1.8**7**1.4
Folate (mgs)204**231***46**257**64**275**58
Vitamin E (mgs)

Rice Types

Rice Types
Long, Medium and Short Grains

Long Grain Rice
Long grain rice
Long, slender kernel, >3:1 Length to Width ratio
Amylose content 19-23%
Cooked grains are separate, firm and fluffy
Typically used in applications requiring distinct shape and texture, such as prepared and frozen entrees, side dishes, soups and some casseroles

Medium Grain Rice
Medium grain rice
Shorter, wider kernel, 2.0-2.9:1 Length to Width ratio
Amylose content 12-19%
Cooked grains are moist, tender and tend to cling together
Medium grain rice typically used in applications calling for a creamy consistency, such as desserts and puddings

Short Grain Rice
Short grain rice
Has a short, plump, almost round kernel <2:1 Length to Width ratio
Sometimes called "round grain" or "sushi" rice
Amylose content 12-19%
Cooked grains are moist, tender and tend to cling together making this type of rice ideal for puddings, desserts, and similar applications

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Rice inspection and testing

Rice inspection and testing: Rice cargo shipment inspection:
  • Check Job Assignment Details: Shipper, Commodities, Specification, Weight, Packing, Mark, Quantity, Vessel’s Name, Destination, Inspection date, etc.
  • Tare, gross and net weight of packaged rice is checked
  • Rice Quality is checked before and during loading
  • Cargo is checked for worms, insects, foreign matter
  • Digital Photos are taken during the course of inspection
Rice cargo weighing inspection:
  • The Weighing scale is checked before packing with standardized weights
  • Tare Weight of empty bags is checked
  • Random checking of gross weight is performed
  • Uniform Weight is reported
Rice shipment loading inspection:
  • The Inspector checks the condition of the Lighter, including cleanliness, previous cargo, type of floor, overlaid with dunnage and suitable for fumigation
  • Before container stuffing, the empty container is checked for cleanliness, dry, free of odour, free of infestation, watertight, etc.
  • Rice product quality is checked during loading. report in statement of fact for rice loading, physical analysis report and finding for worms, insects, and foreign matter is performed
Sampling of rice cargo loading:
  • The Weigh Scale is checked before packing with standard weight
  • Pre-Loading Samples are taken, packed and sealed before loading
  • Loading Samples and reference samples are taken
  • Lab Analysis rice samples are taken for physical and chemical analysis in the laboratory
  • Composite sample mixing is taken for all samples of each day of Loading
  • The Weigh Scale is checked before packing with standard weight
Rice quality laboratory testing:
  • Grain Composition, types and grades of rice
  • Rice Defects
  • Chemical Analysis
  • Amylose content and moisture content
  • Milling degree and Milling period
  • Admixture of other non-glutinous rice varieties
  • Alkali Test, Non-radioactivity test, DNA test, GMO test
  • Aflatoxin B1and B2, and G1 andG2
  • Pesticide residue analysis

Rice and a healthy diet

Rice and a healthy diet

To help ensure that rice can contribute to the healthy diets of rice consumers worldwide, aside from developing healthier rice varieties, IRRI has studied the glycemic index of rice and also responds to concerns about contamination in rice.

Golden Rice

Golden Rice

Golden Rice is a new type of rice that contains beta carotene - a source of vitamin A. IRRI and its partners are developing Golden Rice as a potential new food-based approach to improve vitamin A status.

High-zinc rice

High-zinc rice

Zinc is essential for survival, and zinc deficiency has serious consequences for health, particularly in children. IRRI is supporting the work of its partners in developing rice with higher levels of zinc.